Renting a home comes with several important decisions, one of the biggest being whether to rent an apartment or a house. Both options have their advantages and challenges depending on your needs, lifestyle and budget. In this guide we’ll go through the key factors to consider to help you make the right choice. Advantages of […]
When renting out your home, one of the biggest challenges is finding the right tenant. But how do you determine which type of tenant is the best match for your accommodation? By understanding the different tenant profiles, you can optimise your rental ad and attract the right audience. Read on to learn about some of […]
Finding a rental home can be challenging, especially in highly desirable areas where competition is fierce. Creating a well thought out profile and communicating effectively can significantly improve your chances of securing your dream home. Here are some key tips to help you stand out as a tenant and find your next home faster! Create […]
First impressions play a crucial role when potential tenants decide on a rental. Whether it’s through an in-person viewing or photos in your listing, small details can make a big difference. Here are some smart tips to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that will make your property stand out in the rental market. Create […]
Finding a rental home can be challenging, and for pet owners, navigating the rental market may feel even more difficult. Many landlords are hesitant to allow pets, but there are ways to increase your chances of finding a pet-friendly home. Here’s everything you need to know when searching for a rental with your pet! Start […]
Renting out your property isn’t just about the right location and price. Small details can make a big difference in how a potential tenant perceives your home. As a landlord, it’s common to focus on size, rent, and furnishings, but there are other, more unexpected factors that can influence a tenant’s decision. Here are some […]
Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, but finding a place to live can feel daunting, especially in Sweden, where the rental market is competitive and unique. If you’re an expat planning to rent a home in Sweden, this guide will help you navigate the process smoothly. Understand the Swedish rental market Sweden’s […]
Renting out to expats who comes to Sweden for work is a growing opportunity for landlords. Expats often seek flexible and comfortable accommodations, making them an attractive target group for your rental property. Here’s everything you need to know to optimise your listing and create a secure and seamless rental process. Benefits of renting to […]
Renting out your accommodation is a smart way to make use of your property, but the rental market varies slightly depending on where the property is located. Major cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö offer a fast-paced and dynamic market, while renting in the countryside or smaller towns requires a different approach. Here, we’ll explore […]
Moving into a new rental home is exciting, but making the space feel like your own is not always so easy, especially on a budget. Luckily we have plenty of creative and affordable ways to add a personal touch to your new rental without breaking the bank. Here are some budget-friendly tips to decorate your […]
Moving is an exciting experience, but packing for a move can often feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to prioritise and know where to start. With the right planning and strategy, you can make the move smooth and efficient. Here are some smart tips to save both time and energy for your move! […]
The private rental market is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends can make your rental experience both smoother and more successful. We’ve compiled a list of the most notable and relevant trends for the upcoming year to help you, as a landlord, succeed with your rental! Increased demand for flexible terms […]
Fall might not be the first season that comes to mind when it comes to moving, but it can actually be one of the best times of the year to find a new homes! Regardless of whether you are looking for an apartment in the city or a house in the country, autumn has a […]
When renting out your accommodation, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is whether to offer it fully furnished, partially furnished, or unfurnished. This choice will impact the type of tenants you attract and how appealing your rental will be. Here are some benefits of choosing different furnishing styles to help you make the […]
Through a collaboration, Samtrygg has the opportunity to connect landlords with professional and experienced landlords. The rental agent is there for you who, for various reasons, need extra service before your rental. Maybe you don’t live in the same city as your rental property or you’re short on time? Then a letting agent from our […]
Moving into your first rental home is an exciting time, filled with anticipation and new opportunities. However, as a new tenant, it is not always easy to know what to think about in order for the process to flow smoothly. By learning from others’ experiences, you can avoid pitfalls and make your move a smooth […]
Creating an attractive and effective ad for your rental is important to quickly finding the right tenant. A well-written and informative ad can make a big difference in catching the attention of potential tenants and ensuring you find someone who meets your criteria. Here are some tips on how to optimize your ad and maximize […]
Designing and decorating a smaller rental accommodations can be challenging, but with the right strategy, you can create a functional and inviting environment that feels both spacious and comfortable. By making the most of every square meter, you can make your space more attractive to potential tenants. Here are some practical tips to maximize small […]
Moving into a new accommodation gives you the opportunity to truly create a home that you love! However, as a tenant, there are often limitations on what you can do to personalize your space. Fortunately, there are plenty of DIY projects that allow you to add your personal touch to your accommodation either you are […]
Taking attractive and stylish photos is a decisive factor when it comes to finding interested tenants for your home. With the right technology, you can create images that really make your property stand out and grab the attention of potential tenants. Here are our top tips for improving your housing photography: 1. Good lighting […]
When it comes to finding a new home, it’s not just the property itself that matters, but also the area it’s in. Each area has its own unique advantages and characteristics that can affect your experience of living there. In this guide, we explore the benefits of living in different areas for housing seekers looking […]
Moving into your first rental property is an exciting and sometimes nervous time for many. For first-time tenants, it’s crucial to be well-prepared and aware of certain basic aspects to make the transition as smooth as possible. Here’s a guide with important things to know before moving into your first rental property. Read the […]
Holding viewings of your home is an advantage in order to succeed in finding the right tenant. A viewing creates a first impression, where potential tenants get a feel for the home and its possibilities. At Samtrygg, you can choose between having viewings on site or digitally. Here are some practical tips and tricks to […]
Making your home cosy and inviting doesn’t always have to cost a fortune. By shopping second hand, you can create a unique and personal atmosphere in your home while saving money and contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are some simple tips for making your home more homely by shopping second hand. Furnish […]
With the right strategies you can maximize your chances of finding the right tenant for your accommodation. As a landlord there are several key factors to consider to attract suitable tenants quickly and effectively. Here are five tips to optimize your rental process and ensure you find the perfect tenant for your home. 1. Make […]
Finding the perfect rental home can be an exciting yet sometimes challenging process. To maximize your chances of securing your dream accommodation, it’s crucial to create an attractive tenant profile. Here are some essential tips to stand out and increase your opportunities of finding your new home. 1. Write a detailed description about yourself When […]
Bromma en populär stadsdel i Stockholm att bosätta sig i, vilket inte är konstigt! Allt från närhet till den fina Mälaren och villaområden med ståtliga hus till köpcentrum och flygplats. Bromma har helt enkelt allt! Låt oss guida dig igenom Stockholms stadsdel Bromma. Nära både stad och natur Stadsdelen Bromma ligger i området Västerort inom Stockholm […]
Att Göteborg är en trevlig stad håller de flesta med om och det är även en populär stad att bosätta sig i. Även om innerstaden kan vara ett attraktivt alternativ är det även en bra idé att kolla in områden lite utanför när man vill hyra bostad i Göteborg. Här är guiden till Göteborgsområdet Hisingen […]
Har du precis kommit in på en utbildning och ska börja plugga till hösten? Stort grattis, du kommer få en otroligt rolig tid, oavsett i vilken stad du ska studera! Det är dags att redan nu börja leta efter vart du ska bo, men det kan vara en konst i sig att hitta ett bra […]
Ska du börja plugga i Uppsala i höst? Grattis, du kommer bo i en stad med ett unikt studentliv och oändligt med möjligheter. Att hitta bostad samtidigt som alla andra studenter också ska hitta någonstans att bo kan kännas svårt, men var lugn, med våra tips om hur du hittar studentbostad i Uppsala utan att […]
Ska du börja plugga i Lund i höst? Grattis! Lund är en populär stad att plugga i med över 40.000 studenter. Detta gör det såklart svårt att alla ska få boende i Lund med långa kötider. Men det är inte omöjligt att hitta boende som nyantagen. Vi har samlat de bästa tipsen hur du hittar […]
Ska du börja plugga i Göteborg i höst? Grattis och vad kul! Göteborg är en härlig stad med en perfekt blandning av studentliv och stadsliv med massa möjligheter. När man flyttar till en ny stad eller flyttar hemifrån känns det alltid svårt att hitta boende. Men det behöver det inte vara och du behöver inte […]
Ska du flytta till Linköping i höst för att plugga och funderar du på hur du ska lyckas hitta en studentlägenhet innan första dagen på universitetet? Lugn! Vi har samlat våra bästa tips för hur du enklast hittar studentboende i Linköping. 1.Skaffa dig en cykel Att bo nära campuset i Linköping för all del men […]
Funderar du på att hyra ut din bostad i vinter, nästa år eller är du inte helt säker på när det är dags? Oavsett när det blir av är det en god idé att förbereda dig redan nu – då blir timingen perfekt och det är bara att publicera när det väl är dags. Här […]