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Renting a home with pets: Everything you need to know

Finding a rental home can be challenging, and for pet owners, navigating the rental market may feel even more difficult. Many landlords are hesitant to allow pets, but there are ways to increase your chances of finding a pet-friendly home. Here’s everything you need to know when searching for a rental with your pet!

Start by filtering pet-friendly listings

Unfortunately, not all rental homes allow pets. To simplify your search, you can filter for pet-friendly rentals on Samtrygg. By registering, you can also contact landlords directly to ask about their pet policies. Even if a landlord has marked their listing as pet-free, they may be flexible if they find the right tenant.

Present yourself and your pet properly

A landlord wants to feel confident that you are a responsible tenant who will take good care of both your pet and the property. Here are some tips to improve your chances:

  • Write a brief introduction about your pet, including size, temperament and age. Highlight any traits that could be seen as an advantage.
  • Show that you are a responsible pet owner by describing your daily routines. Do you take long morning walks? Mention it!
  • Ask previous landlords for references confirming that your pet has not caused damage or disturbances before.

Prepare for additional requirements

Some landlords may have extra conditions for allowing pets. This could range from excluding certain furniture from the rental to requiring a more thorough cleaning upon move-out. In some cases there may also be specific rules about which types of pets are allowed.

Maintain a good relationship with your landlord

  • Keep the home clean and as free from dirt and pet hair as possible by cleaning regularly.
  • Make sure your pet feels comfortable in the home and doesn’t cause unnecessary noise that might disturb neighbours.
  • Notify your landlord immediately if any issues or damages occur to find a solution and build trust.

What does the law say?

In Sweden, there is no general law prohibiting pets in rental properties, but individual landlords may have specific rules outlined in their lease agreements. Always read your contract carefully to ensure you comply with all regulations.


Find your pet-friendly home today!

Are you and your pet ready to move? Register at Samtrygg to access a wide selection of pet-friendly rental homes across Sweden. Find the perfect home for you and your best friend today!
