The easy way to book a viewing at Samtrygg
Are you new to Samtrygg and wonder how it works when booking viewings? With a few simple steps you can go from seeking a residence to having a contract.
Book a viewing in 5 steps- Log in to Samtrygg.se
- Search for area in the search column
- Click on the ad and read about the object. Click on the button “Book a viewing”
- Choose a time that you are available on
- You will get a confirmation when you have booked the viewing. If there are no viewing times at the moment you will receive an e-mail when there are new times available for booking.
- You start by easily and charge free registering at Samtrygg.se as a tenant. We recommend that you write a short description of yourself in your profile. The Landlords usually check your profile before the viewing to get a perception of who they are going to rent out their residence to. That is why it is important to have an informativ profile. It reinforces you as a verified candidate and makes you more attractive as a tenant. You can easily register your profile on the “menu” when you are logged in.
- Now is the time to start the pursuit of your dream home! You can easy search for the object and filter your searching. You can filter your search several parameters such as area, size, housing form etc. We recommend that you are not too tight in your preferences as it may mean that you are losing residences that may be of interest, even if they are not, for example, located in your favorite area. You can then go into the object and book a viewing. If there is no viewing time, you will receive an email when new times arrive.
- Once you have been booked and the landlord has approved the viewing, you will be informed by text message or e-mail and will receive the contact details of the landlord so that you have all the information before the viewing time.
- The viewing is personal, which means it’s extra important to get in time.
- You can, of course, cancel and change your appointment. Please note that you need to cancel a viewing 24 hours before the scheduled time.
- Please note! The number of impressions per object is often limited and we apply the first-served principle. If you did not get a chance to view the object you were interested in, you might be in a queue and then Samtrygg will inform you when more times appear.
- After each view, Samtrygg will ask you to tell you about your impression of the accommodation. This is important because we want to scan your future needs as quickly as possible and have the opportunity to inform the landlord of the importance of the accommodation. If you express interest in the accommodation, this is not binding until you have signed the contract with the landlord.
- Please reply as much as possible so that we find out what you liked / disliked with the accommodation – this will help us find a more suitable accommodation for you even faster!
- If we find a match between you and the landlord, you will be informed accordingly. Now you can decide if you are still interested in the accommodation. If you are interested, a lease will be established between you and the landlord.