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Find and choose the right real estate agent for you.

Choose the right real estate agent for you with our simple service. We match you with top agents who understand your unique needs.

Best selling price

Connected agents are experts in achieving the highest possible selling price for your property

Most sold

See which agents have the most sold properties in your specific area.

Best match

We find the agent who best matches your specific needs and desires for a smooth sales process.
Compare and choose right
real estate agent for you
We match your property with agents’ past experience. You get a list of the agents who have performed best with similar sales.

How does the service work?


Describe your property

You describe your property with address and a few simple clicks

Compare agents’ historical sales

Our algorithm searches through a large amount of historical data about similar sales in your area.

Choose which agents you want quotes from – Completely free!

You check which agents you want quotes from, then they contact you.
Does the service cost anything or commit me to anything?

Using our service is completely free for you as a seller. Instead, we charge a fixed one-time fee from the agents we recommend and who are interested in selling your property. You are not committed to anything and you choose whether you want to hire any of the agents.

Do I have to choose my agent through you?

No, our assistance is voluntary and registration with us does not entail any obligations. We want you to be satisfied with the selection you receive, but you decide for yourself whether you want to hire any of the agents.

Are there any costs associated with the service?

No, it is free to use Real Estate Tips.

Which agents are connected?

All agents registered with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority have the opportunity to use our service.

How many agents will contact me?

Up to four agents will contact you

Ready to compare real estate agents?